Senior Information
2025 Senior Class Events
Questions? Email Matt Evans at
*All students wear their caps and gowns for the Class Photo, Senior Awards, and Graduation*
Senior Dues– Due before attending senior events
Please be reminded that you must have paid $20 for your senior dues to participate in any senior activities
Money from all dues is used to fund senior events and is well worth the cost to participate
Pay money to Mr. Evans or using SchoolCash Online.
Senior Cap and Gown Order: Order soon to lock in early bird pricing
Order your Cap and Gown Unit on if you have not already.
Cap and Gown Unit cost is $60.
April 4 (Friday): Senior Trip Payment and Permission Slip Due
both must be turned in by this date
The trip is $100 (senior dues must also be paid)
Final partial payment of $25 may also be paid this day (optional: only if you paid $25 partial payments)
see permission slip for full details
April 21 (Monday): Baccalaureate Survey Due
Seniors should complete survey using this link:
Please complete even if you do not plan on attending
April 30 (Wednesday): Senior Baby Photo Form Due
Seniors, parents, or guardians should submit a baby photo using this form:
This picture will be shown on a slideshow before graduation on May 31st.
Photos may also be emailed to Ms. Wolgamot at
May 9 (Friday): Senior Trip to Kings Dominion – 7am - 9pm – Students arrive no later than 6:30am to back parking lot
Cost is $100 to attend
$20 senior dues must also be paid
Money and permission slip to Mr. Evans by April 4th
See permission slip for behavior requirements and additional details
See Mr. Evans or Ms. Morton for a permission slip
May 18 (Sunday): Baccalaureate – 6 pm – First Southern Baptist Church (Hurt, VA)– Students arrive at 5 pm--Formal Dress Event
Please sign up via the Baccalaureate Google Form
The candle lighting partner does not necessarily have to be in 6th-11th grade. We have had elementary students in the past, but your candle lighting partner must be able to handle carrying a lit candle. Bewise, please
This is a non-denominational, optional event and you must sign up to participate
May 19 (Monday): Senior Decision Day--9-11 AM Cafeteria and Auditorium
This is a Senior Students Only Event.
Seniors are invited to attend for a morning of food, fun, and announcing their post-graduate decisions.
Seniors are encouraged to wear a t-shirt from their chosen college/university, career, workplace, or military branch.
May 19 (Monday): Senior Walk at AES--1:00pm
Students MUST have their caps and gowns for the walk.
We will ride school buses to AES and walk through the hallways of the school past the elementary students.
This will allow you to inspire a future generation and say farewell to your school years.
May 23 (Friday): Senior Picnic– 8:30am to 1pm–English Park
Students must arrive at school at regular time and check in for attendance. At 8:30, seniors will be bused to English Park. Student drivers may travel to and from the park.
We will have time to socialize, play games, and sports.
Lunch will be served at 11:30. The picnic will end at 1pm.
Dues must be paid to attend this event.
May 28 (Wednesday): Senior Class Picture – High School Gym–7:45AM
Students should arrive no later than 7:45am
Students MUST have their caps and gowns for the photo
At 8:30, students will line up for the Senior Awards ceremony
May 28 (Wednesday): Senior Awards –ACS Gym – 8:30am--Formal Dress Event
This event is required.
Students must wear caps and gowns with formal attire.
Do NOT decorate caps until after this event
May 28: Senior Scholarship Awards Night--5:30 PM Auditorium
Seniors who are receiving scholarship money from scholarship organizations or their college will be invited to attend this special event where their scholarships will be awarded to them.
In order to be included students will need to fill out the required forms to let us know what scholarships you have received and in what amount.
There will be a reception from 5:30-6:00 with the Scholarship presentations beginning at 6:00 pm.
May 28 (Wednesday): Senior Sunset– 7:30 pm– AHS Band Field
This is a Senior Students Only Event
S’mores will be served.
Seniors will gather on the band field to watch the sunset and close out their senior year.
May 29 (Thursday): Graduation Practice–10am--Vines Center
Students may provide their own transportation to and from practice.
For those without their own transportation, transportation will be provided from ACS.
Transportation will be provided from ACS.
Failure to participate in Graduation Practice results in not being allowed to walk at Graduation.
This is a mandatory event.Ladies are advised to bring shoes they will wear to graduation in order to practice on the stairs.
May 31 (Saturday): Graduation – Vines Center 10 am – Students arrive 9:15 am--Formal Dress Event
Students MUST have their caps and gowns and formal attire for Graduation.
Make sure you’re on the Vines Center Concourse and ready to go at designated arrival time.
If you have not ordered your cap and gown yet, please do so ASAP.