J. Polk - English 

K. Smith - Special Education Aide

M. Dixon - History, English, Study Skills

L. Hendricks - Special Education Aide

E. Anderson - Science, History, Econ and Personal Finance

T. McRae - Special Education Aide

M. Yuille -Special Education Aide

T. Scruggs - Math and Study Skills

Special Education Curriculum Guide


CCPS provides special education services for students identified eligible for service. We offer a continuum of special education services to best support the needs of our students. Course offerings are for students with disabilities and require an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Some courses may not be available at every school. Many students with disabilities are expected to meet grade-level curriculum standards in general education classes.

Continuum of Services

The Virginia Department of Special Education and the Campbell County Public School System advocates for a continuum of special education services and placement considerations for all students with disabilities. Services and placements range from indirect services through residential services. All decisions regarding the placement of a child with a disability in a special education service delivery model will be made by an individualized Education Program (IEP) team in consultation with the parents or guardians of the child and consistent with Federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Least Restrictive Environment requirements.

Campbell County Public Schools provides a continuum of services and placement considerations to meet the needs of students with disabilities. All services and placement determinations are made by the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) team.

Who provides Specially Designed Instruction?

What may Specially Designed Instruction look like?


General and special education teachers may consult on appropriate strategies for instruction, behavior management, data collection, observation, and feedback to utilize within the general education setting thus accomplishing better outcomes in the least restrictive environment.

Academic support services in the general education classroom:

Special education services may be offered in the general education classroom in the form of a co-teaching model, or by making adaptations or modifications to the general education curriculum and assessments. In addition, the special education teacher may meet individually or in small group instruction to meet various academic and behavioral needs of the student.

Direct special education services in the special education classroom:

Direct special education service in the special education classroom may be required for students who have the most significant impact on their ability to learn in the general education setting. Students who require this level of support may receive this through direct intensive or multi-sensory instruction which utilizes specialized strategies and techniques. This level of service may be offered in a small group within the special education classroom. In addition to remediating specific academic needs of the student specific skills training may be utilized and support behavioral difficulties that interfere with student learning or the learning of others.

If a student’s academic or emotional needs have a significant impact on his or her ability to learn in the general education environment, the IEP team may determine that a student needs a more restrictive environment. Some students with significant cognitive disabilities require a more restrictive setting, such as an Adaptive Classroom Environment, where the students access an Adaptive Curriculum, including instruction following the Aligned Standards of Learning (see course descriptions below). In High School, these students will complete course work that meets requirements for an Applied Studies Diploma (see course descriptions below). Students requiring instruction following the Aligned Standards of Learning participate in the Virginia Alternate Assessment Program (VAAP).

For more information, contact the CCPS Special Education Department at Campbell County School Administration Building (434-332-8235).

Adapted Curriculum Course Descriptions

MS Foundations English

This course is designed to support the Virginia Aligned Standards of Learning in English including areas of reading and writing. Students may enroll in this class each year of middle school participation, as appropriate. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP).

MS Foundations Mathematics

This course is designed to support the Virginia Aligned Standards of Learning in Mathematics. Students may enroll in this class each year of middle school participation, as appropriate. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP).

MS Foundations Science

This course is designed to support the Virginia Aligned Standards of Learning in Science. Students may enroll in this class each year of middle school participation, as appropriate. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP).

MS Foundations History/Social Science

This course is designed to support the Virginia Aligned Standards of Learning in History/Social Science. Students may enroll in this class each year of middle school participation, as appropriate. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP).

**Participation in the prior listed courses will support students in fulfilling requirements for the Virginia Alternative Assessment Program (VAAP).

 Adapted PE

This adapted physical education course is designed for students who have Individual Education Plans (IEPs) identifying adapted physical education services in the special education setting. Students may enroll in this class each year of middle school participation, as appropriate. Emphasis is on organized lead-up modified fitness and wellness activities. Activities are designed based upon the student’s present level of erformance and directed to improve deficit areas and maximize participation.

Life Skills

This adapted curriculum course is designed to begin preparing students with transition skills necessary for managing life after graduation with maximum independent functioning. Students may enroll in this class each year of middle school participation, as appropriate. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP), in the area of life skills, such as the development of personal care, home care, community living and vocational skills.

Social Skills

This adapted curriculum course is designed to develop social skills necessary for students to be successful in educational, home and community settings. Students may enroll in this class each year of middle school participation, as appropriate. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP), in the area of social skills, such as the development of functional communication, prosocial behaviors and positive interpersonal relationships skills.

HS Foundations English

This course is designed to support the Virginia Aligned Standards of Learning in English including areas of reading and writing. Students may enroll in this class each year of high school participation, as appropriate. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP).

HS Foundations Mathematics

This course is designed to support the Virginia Aligned Standards of Learning in Mathematics. Students may enroll in this class each year of high school participation, as appropriate. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP).


HS Foundations Science

This course is designed to support the Virginia Aligned Standards of Learning in Science. Students may enroll in this class each year of high school participation, as appropriate. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP).

HS Foundations History/Social Science

This course is designed to support the Virginia Aligned Standards of Learning in History/Social Science. Students may enroll in this class each year of high school participation, as appropriate. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP).

***Participation in the prior courses will support students in fulfilling requirements for the Virginia Alternative Assessment Program (VAAP) and the Applied Studies Diploma.

 Adapted PE

This adapted physical education course is designed for students who have Individual Education Plans (IEPs) identifying adapted physical education services in a special education setting. Students may enroll in this class each year of high school participation, as appropriate. Students gain knowledge and skills in a variety of team sports and activities which promote an active lifestyle. Activities are designed based upon student’s present level of performance and directed to improve deficit areas and maximize participation.

Independent Living Skills

This adapted curriculum course is designed to prepare students with transition skills necessary for managing life after graduation with maximum independent functioning. Independent living skills may include instruction related to self-management, hygiene, goal setting, leisure, community participation, planning, travel and household maintenance. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP). Students may enroll in this class each year of high school participation, as appropriate.

Vocational/ Employment Skills

This adapted curriculum course is designed to develop vocational skills necessary for successful employment with maximum independent functioning. Employment skills may include instruction related to punctuality, following directions, workplace communication and social skills, and job readiness skills. Students may enroll in this class each year of high school participation, as appropriate. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP).

***No assessment required for these courses, however, participation in these courses may support students in completing requirements for an Applied Studies Diploma.

Life-skills Reading

This adapted curriculum course is designed to reinforce basic reading and writing skills with real-world application. Instruction and pacing isindividualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Life-skills Math

This adapted curriculum course is designed to reinforce basic mathematical skills with real-world application. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP).

Independent Living Skills

This adapted curriculum course is designed to develop functional skills necessary for independent living. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP) in areas of independent living such as housekeeping, meal planning and preparation, hygiene and self- management.

Vocational Skills

This adapted curriculum course is designed to develop appropriate work-related behaviors in order to prepare students for participation in community-based worksites or employment. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP) in the area vocational skills identification, exploration and development with real-world application.

Community Skills

This adapted curriculum course is designed to develop functional skills necessary for community integration with maximum independent functioning. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP) in areas of community access such as money handling, social skills, self- management and self-advocacy.

Recreation & Leisure Skills

This adapted curriculum course is designed to prepare students to participate in age-appropriate activities that promote well-being, socialization and community access. Instruction is individualized to meet the needs of the student. Instruction and pacing is individualized based on the needs of the student, including needs identified in the Individual Education Plan (IEP).

***These courses are designed for students who have sufficed requirements for an Applied Studies Diploma following the Aligned Standards of Learning.